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I am offering a FEW free, one-on-one, 30-minute CBO Business Acceleration Calls.
You and me. Working on Your Business.
You can apply for one by clicking the link on this page.[/text_block]

We’ll use this method to work through the ONE biggest, toughest obstacle that’s in your way, and clear the path for you to succeed on your own terms.
It’s an intense 30 minutes, so you’d better bring you’re A Game. And, at the end you’re going to have some ACTIONS to take.
Then if you want more help, I will point you in the right direction.
I’ve only got a few session times open, and they are filling up very quickly.
So, if you want to apply for one of the available Business Acceleration Calls, you should click the link on this page and get started.
Here you go![/text_block]