Strategic Planning

In countless studies by a wide range of research organizations, one stark message is repeated throughout the literature: Businesses that have a written strategic plan are more successful and last longer than businesses that do not have a written plan. Come on, is that really a surprise? You know that when you plan things turn out better than when you wing it, don’t you?

In fact, the research shows that written strategic plans increase success in all of the top 5 typical business objectives stated by owners:

  • Growing revenues, profits, customers, or members
  • Recruiting key team members and developing their potential
  • Finding strategic opportunities, new ventures, new products, and other innovations
  • Finding the right business services, such as bankers, investors, loans/lines, insurance brokers, etc.
  • Leaving a legacy for the next generation and beyond

Working with The Dorian Group for your strategic planning ensures that you are well positioned to achieve exceptional outcomes. Our approach to strategic planning is different from cookie-cutter approaches and pre-packed consulting engagements. We don’t let conventional ideas get in the way of crafting the right strategy for you and your business objectives. We bring the skill of impartiality to your planning process, helping you develop your unique objectives and devise an agenda, keeping you focused and on track. As you implement your plan, we help you measure milestones, evaluate effectiveness and identify adjustments to sustain long term success.

Find out more

Contact me today to schedule an exploratory call. We will talk about your current situation, then explore options and opportunities. I give you my word that this call is exploratory only. We believe you will know instinctively if our approach is a good fit for you.

Call 617.515.3261 or Email me directly at: