Free Strategy Session – Offer-BCM

[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”right” font_size=”14″ font_font=”Helvetica” font_style=”normal” font_color=”%23000000″ font_shadow=”none”]PHONE: 617.515.3261[/text_block]

A Message To Construction Business Owners

[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left” font_size=”20″ font_font=”Helvetica” font_style=”bold” font_color=”%23000000″ font_shadow=”none”]From The Desk of Ellen Dorian
Founder of Building Certainty™[/text_block]

What do you want out of your construction business?

[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left” font_size=”20″ font_font=”Titillium%20Web” font_style=”normal”]Do you often feel that you are missing something about how to grow your business, even if you can’t put your finger on the exact issue? How often do you sense that things aren’t working as well as they could? If you have a nagging sense of uncertainty about whether or not your day to day actions are taking your business in the right direction, you are in the right place. We help construction business owners like you make the 3 strategic shifts necessary to create long term value for their companies and their futures.[/text_block]

Do the RIGHT things instead of doing everything


[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”center” font_size=”16″ font_font=”Arial” font_style=”normal” font_color=”%23000000″ bottom_padding=”50″ width=”790″]Apply for a CBO Business Acceleration Call to determine your top priority actions and initiatives. On this call, I’m going to show you how to…[/text_block]

There’s nothing for You to buy…

This is a WORKING Session.

[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left” font_size=”16″ font_font=”Arial” font_style=”normal” font_color=”%23000000″ width=”790″]Let me be clear, this is NOT a sales meeting.

We will look at specific problem and opportunity areas that exist in your construction business.

We will explore details about your team, your leadership skills, your strategy, and your systems. And, at the end of it you’re going to have some action items.[/text_block]

Greg Antonioli

I highly recommend Ellen to any business person constantly struggling to find time for the big picture strategic focus that will propel them and their companies forward for the long-term.

Greg Antonioli
President, Out of the Woods Construction, Inc.

Anne Goodwin

Ellen works with me from right where I am and inspires me to take calculated risks. I always come away from our sessions with more clarity and energy. My business is far more than it might have been without Ellen in my corner.

Anne Goodwin
President, Visible Results Staging Co.

If It’s So Valuable…
…Why Am I Offering It For Free?

[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left” font_size=”16″ font_font=”Arial” font_style=”normal” font_color=”%23000000″ width=”790″]Normally, my clients do this business acceleration review in their first month of 1:1 coaching, after an investment of $2,000 a month. I’m choosing to give you this 30 minutes for free and the reason is pretty straightforward.

I know that after we’ve planned out the key areas for you to work on…[/text_block]

You’re Going To Want To Implement The Plan…
…And You’ll Have TWO Choices:


OPTION 1. Try Do It All Yourself

[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left” font_size=”16″ font_font=”Arial” font_style=”normal” font_color=”%23000000″ width=”790″]If you choose this option, I applaud your commitment to take it from here and implement on your own. I know that if you implement the ideas we discuss your business and momentum will skyrocket[/text_block]

OPTION 2. Get My Help To Implement
Faster And With Better Results

[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left” font_size=”16″ font_font=”Arial” font_style=”normal” font_color=”%23000000″ width=”790″]If you choose this option, I am confident that we can get you better results, faster, and with less stress. You’ll have extensive resources and a structure to follow, making it much simpler to reach your goals.[/text_block]

Paul Yeaton

Ellen has inspired us and kept us focused during busy times. The results are showing. We have grown our business substantially because of her skills and abilities. This coaching has been a big part of our success, and we can see it clearly continuing in the future.

Paul Yeaton
President, Hype Lab Consulting

Here’s my promise to you:

[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left” font_size=”16″ font_font=”Arial” font_style=”normal” font_color=”%23000000″ width=”790″]Nobody likes to get stuck in an unproductive meeting. The fact is that I don’t know if I can help you and your situation yet, and neither do you…

So let’s start with a quick 10-minute chat so I can get up to speed on the key aspects of your business.

Then, If it looks like I can help and we both agree, we can continue with the call where we’ll dig into what will work for your specific situation. At the end of the call I will let you know how you can get more help if you need it.[/text_block]

Here’s What You Need To Do Now

[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left” font_size=”16″ font_font=”Arial” font_style=”normal” font_color=”%23000000″ width=”790″]I’ll call you at your chosen time to talk about your business and determine if or how I might be able help. I promise you will get great value from this call even if it is the only conversation we ever have.[/text_block]

If You Feel Like This Might Be Right
For You, Let’s Talk.

[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left” font_size=”16″ font_font=”Arial” font_style=”italic” font_color=”%23ffffff” font_shadow=”none” width=”355″]”If you are not sure if the things you do everyday are taking your business in the right direction, then there is a strong chance you need to make some changes.

I can help.


ELLEN DORIANellen-dorian-img2[/text_block]


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[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”center” font_size=”14″ font_font=”Arial” font_style=”normal” font_color=”%23000000″ width=”790″]Copyright © 2016 Dorian Group – All Rights Reserved.[/text_block]