A Message To Construction Business Owners

Founder of Building Certainty™[/text_block]

What do you want out of your construction business?

Do the RIGHT things instead of doing everything

We will look at specific problem and opportunity areas that exist in your construction business.
We will explore details about your team, your leadership skills, your strategy, and your systems. And, at the end of it you’re going to have some action items.[/text_block]

I highly recommend Ellen to any business person constantly struggling to find time for the big picture strategic focus that will propel them and their companies forward for the long-term.
Greg Antonioli
President, Out of the Woods Construction, Inc.

Ellen works with me from right where I am and inspires me to take calculated risks. I always come away from our sessions with more clarity and energy. My business is far more than it might have been without Ellen in my corner.
Anne Goodwin
President, Visible Results Staging Co.

If It’s So Valuable…
…Why Am I Offering It For Free?

I know that after we’ve planned out the key areas for you to work on…[/text_block]

You’re Going To Want To Implement The Plan…
…And You’ll Have TWO Choices:

OPTION 1. Try Do It All Yourself

OPTION 2. Get My Help To Implement
Faster And With Better Results

Ellen has inspired us and kept us focused during busy times. The results are showing. We have grown our business substantially because of her skills and abilities. This coaching has been a big part of our success, and we can see it clearly continuing in the future.
Paul Yeaton
President, Hype Lab Consulting

So let’s start with a quick 10-minute chat so I can get up to speed on the key aspects of your business.
Then, If it looks like I can help and we both agree, we can continue with the call where we’ll dig into what will work for your specific situation. At the end of the call I will let you know how you can get more help if you need it.[/text_block]

If You Feel Like This Might Be Right
For You, Let’s Talk.

I can help.“